Chilling server for chilling people

*** Happy New Year !!! ***


  1. Preamble
    This server is intended to be chill. Raiding ist part of the game, so is killing each other. Please play on this server with respect for each other. Give players the chance to evolve.
    If you are looking for hard combat and challenging PVP please check out other servers.

    -> Have Fun!

  2. Admins have the final word.
    These rules are strict guidelines and need to be followed. Rules however are limited. Therefore admins always have the final word - their decision counts.

  3. No case without proof.
    If you have serious complaints or accisations please give proof. In no case we can or will take action without any proof.
    We can look into chat logs (with limitation) if necessary.
    Good proof would be a video proof or usefull screenshots.

    This referres to all kinds of problems:
    - "Someone hacked my account, I am not cheating" prove it
    - "I have 2000 hours; I know a cheater when I see one!" prove it
    Whatever you come up with ... sorry, please prove it!

  4. Team limit = 3.
    What is a team?
    "a number over players teaming up in game with the build in rust team invitations" (source: admin)
    "a number of people or animals who do something together as a group" (source: Cambridge Dictionary)
    "a group of people who perform interdependent tasks to work toward accomplishing a common mission or specific objective" (source:

    As you can see, the term "team" is not limited to the in-game-teaming in Rust, nor is it to some TC registration. If you do things together your are considered a team.

    - "But we are only 3 people in our team, player 4 & 5 just have the same goals." ... na, not working.

  5. Do not be an asshole.
    To put it simple:
    Bullying, terrorizing over a period of time or doing anoying mind games will lead to server ban if proven necessary.

  6. No taking over bases.  
    You may secure your raid while raiding.
    You may not take the base as yours or leave walls & locked doors in place after the raid.

  7. No cheating in any form.

  8. No responsibility for game bugs.

    No game is perfect. We all know that Rust isn't, too. So if you lose stuff or your life to any kind of game bugs it is not our responsibility. We cannot prove what happened and we cannot "refund" any lost items do to the problems

    "My body fell through the world with 47 C4" (source: ... very sorry, but not working.

  9. Use English in global chat.

  10. Please settle your disputes like adults.
    Think twice before calling "admin" in chat or writing an email.
    As mentioned on top this server is a hobby project and response time depends on real life circumstances.
    Try to sort things out on your own first.


Consequences of not following the rules or admin word:
Consequences may and will vary. We have tools like server kicking, taking or destroying things & buildings and even baning from the server or more.
All actions will be thought through and be measured accordingly.

BUT: the best consequences are the ones that are being taken into count before the action! So act accordingly.



CONTACT (if urgent):
(Please be aware, that this server is a hobby project.
Admins will attend when there is time.)